Ladies Straight Shooters Golf Association Bylaws


Ladies Straight Shooters 9 Hole Golf League


To Promote interest and improvement in women's golf both competitively and socially.


Section 3:1

Any female 18 years or older is eligible to become a member of LSS if they are a member in good standing (see article IV).

Section 3:2

Those applying for membership, are expected to have a basic working knowledge of the game of golf, as well as golf course etiquette.

Section 3:3

Division 1: Competitive, handicapped division tournaments throughout the season. Pairings are scheduled based on handicaps and tournaments. You must have a handicap in Division 1.

Section 3:4

Division 2: A more relaxed golf experience where you can request friends to be paired with and you do not need a handicap.


Section 4:1

Must play a minimum of 10 times to attend the banquet for free. If 10 x is not reached, a member may pay and attend the banquet.

Section 4:2

After 4 "no shows," a member will receive a "warning" email. After the 5th "no show," the player will be unable to attend the banquet for free, but may still pay to attend.

Section 4:3

To maintain and continue membership in good standing, a golfer is expected to play a minimum of 5 times to be eligible to apply for membership the following year. If not, the member will incur a 1 year suspension from the league for the following year. She will be informed at the end of the season via email. Season ending injuries or serious illnesses are exceptions, but the president must be notified ASAP in order for an exceptional decision to be made.

Section 4:4

The banquet is usually held the first Wednesday after the season ends, unless there are unusual circumstances. The membership will be notified on the powerpoint at the Members' Meetings in March and it is their responsibility to mark their calendars immediately.


Section 5:1

Membership dues, determined by the Board of Directors, will be collected by the Treasurer. Checks must be received by the Treasurer by the specified date.

Section 5:2

Other finances incurred are used for the banquet fees & awards, website fees, computer and website specialist, and other administrative fees & LSS expenses.


Section 6:1

Saturdays before noon is the deadline to schedule yourself for the following week of golf.

Section 6:2

Saturday before noon is also the deadline to take yourself off the schedule for the following week. A no show will result if you forget to do this or don't update your changes at the bottom of the page.

Section 6:3

The schedule is locked each week at 12:00 PM Noon on Saturday.

Section 6:4

Members are able to go online and sign up to play golf for the entire season, by the month, or week to week. The times fill up very quickly. If there are no availabilities and you are locked out of the schedule, continue to check the website throughout the week especially on Friday night & Saturday morning as people may cancel their time slot to play for the week.

Section 6:5

Schedules for Wednesdays will be posted on Sunday evenings or Monday morning on the LSS website. It is the golfers' responsibility to check their schedule.

Section 6:6

Morning Tee times are not guaranteed and may vary from week to week. A good pace of play is considered by the scheduler when assigning tee times. Make sure ALL golfers type in all their friends' full names on their schedule.


Section 7:1

The official season begins the first Wednesday in April until the last Wednesday in September.


Section 8:1

The president will schedule a minimum of 3 meetings per year not including the members' meetings.

Section 8:2

Each board member is expected to attend the meetings and fulfill their job descriptions or they can be terminated by the President.

Section 8:3

The Board will vote on topics brought up at the meetings and the majority vote will determine the outcome. (ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER)

Section 8:4

The board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Attendance Chairperson, Banquet Chairperson, & a Scheduling Team.


Section 9:1

President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. She is responsible for coordinating the beginning of the season members & new members' meetings. The President is in charge of all acts, orders, memberships, and proceedings of the Association. In the absence of the Treasurer, she is authorized to sign checks from the Association account.

Section 9:2

Vice President: The Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors in the absence of the President. She shall succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy during her term. The Vice President shall be responsible for all Division -1 including all aspects such as scheduling, attendance and tournaments just to name a few. The Vice President is also in charge of the league's Facebook page.

Section 9:3

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all incoming and outgoing monies. The Treasurer will have a LSS detailed treasurer's report summary to hand out to all members at the beginning of the season meetings.

Section 9:4

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and distributing the minutes of all meetings including the members' meetings. A copy of the minutes shall be sent to the president and Board of Directors within a week and posted for members in the locker room. She will be responsible for CTP & LD competitions and procedures for the entire season.

Section 9:5

Attendance Chairperson: The Attendance Chairperson shall be responsible for all Division 2 attendance, birdies & eagles. She will work closely with the Banquet Chair, Vice President & President providing necessary lists of names for various situations.

Section 9:6

Scheduling Team: The Scheduling Team shall consist of the BOD assigned to specific time slots. They will be designated to schedule their time slot, and will take into account golfers' friends' requests. The team will also be responsible for the seating assignments for the banquet.

Section 9:7

Banquet Chairperson: The Banquet Chairperson shall oversee the entire Banquet. She shall establish a committee to assist in the process. Some of the duties shall include selecting the menu, obtaining gifts, table arrangement & seating, banquet registration & 50/50 ticket sales.


Section 10:1

The President & Vice President will have a 5 year term before elections.

Section 10:2

The Treasurer will have a 3 year term before elections.

Section 10:3

The Secretary will have a 3 year term before elections.

Section 10:4

The Banquet Chairperson will have a 3 year term before elections.

Section 10:5

The Attendance Chairperson will have a 5 year term before elections.

Section 10:6

The Scheduling Team will have a 5 year Term before elections.


These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote from the Board of Directors. In the case of a tie, the President shall decide.